Transport Trooper Sixth Scale Figure by Hot Toys The Mandalorian – Television Masterpiece Series



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The Transport Trooper is the pilot of an Imperial Combat Assault Transports responsible for transporting highly volatile and explosive rhydonium to the remnant Imperial refinery on the planet of Morak where the mission proves to be deadly and dangerous…

Sideshow and Hot Toys are excited to expand The Mandalorian collectible series and introduce the Transport Trooper Sixth Scale Collectible Figure!

The highly-accurate Transport Trooper collectible figure is specially crafted based on Transport Trooper as seen in The Mandalorian featuring skillfully developed helmet and armor, a fabric under-suit, a blaster, and a display base!

Recruit this amazing new Star Wars sixth scale figure of the memorable Transport Trooper in your Star Wars collectibles display today!

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Mindestalter: 4 Jahre. Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr aufgrund verschluckbarer Kleinteile.