Predator 2 3D Wand-Relief City Hunter Predator 79 cm



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An extraterrestrial species characterized by their hunting of other dangerous species for sport and honor, including humans are the Yautja, also widely known as Predators. This time Prime 1 Studio is proud to present WAPR-01: City Hunter Predator from the film Predator 2 into the new Wall Art line. This product line features a hangable and Table stand eagle base which gives the collectors to see the Predator from different angles. With careful and exquisite craftsmanship, the iconic stance of City Hunter Predator includes an alternate Bio-Mask portrait and an unmasked portrait. Moreover, he is equipping a Combistick on his right hand and removable Smart-Disc in his holder. This will be the perfect decoration on your wall along with your Predator collections!

[Read carefully before ordering]
We are planning to provide holes and brackets for the display hook on the back of the product.
Please prepare a hook or a wire with a load carrying capacity of 12 kg to display.
The walls may require some changes to display this piece, we suggest you to carefully check your home environment before ordering.
Please note that attaching it to a gypsum board may cause damage to the wall. Please note that we are not responsible for any damage to the wall due to the display.


Wall Art Size approximately 31 inches tall with Combistick [(H):78.9cm (W):37.7cm (D):32.9cm]
LED Light up features
One (1) hangable/stand designed base
Two (2) alternate portraits
One (1) removable Smart Disc from Predator holder
One (1) right forearm holding a Combistick

Wichtige Hinweise
Wir bemühen uns, genaue Informationen bereitzustellen, aber die Produkte, Namen, Farben und Materialien können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden. Abbildung des Prototyps. Viele unserer Produkte, einschließlich der darin enthaltenen Designs und Features, sind durch Marken, Patente und/oder Urheberrechte geschützt. Gegen Verstöße gegen diese Rechte werden entsprechende rechtliche Schritte eingeleitet.
Mindestalter: 4 Jahre. Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr aufgrund verschluckbarer Kleinteile.