Wonder Woman Shield
Queen Studios artists pride themselves on attention to detail and creative design.
Each limited edition prop replica is exclusively available for discerning collectors and fine art enthusiasts looking to add a decorative touch to any home or office.
Polystone Prop Replica
Crafted out of polystone, the quality and detail in the shield speaks for itself. From the rich golden colours in the centre, to the matte black finish, the Wonder Woman Shield is a symbol of strength and elegance.
Wonder Woman Shield
In keeping with the antique aesthetic, the stand is simple yet artistic. The center features the iconic Wonder Woman eagle flanked by the the rocks of Mount Olympus.
Wichtige Hinweise
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Mindestalter: 4 Jahre. Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr aufgrund verschluckbarer Kleinteile.